folio publishing student work since 1948.


Submission Guidelines:

WHERE TO SUBMIT: Submissions should be done via the form above including a cover sheet document and your separate submission document(s). Questions, comments, and concerns can be directed to (if you would like to volunteer to read submissions, you may also contact this address).

COVER SHEET – Please include a separate document saved “Cover Sheet” with the following information:

Name of Student:
Student ID #:
Mailing Address:
Telephone #:
Southern Email Address:
Title of Work(s):


1. Save your submission for one genre in one document, and then name the file Submission, [Genre], Last Name, First Name.
      – For example: “SubmissionFictionSmithJohn” or “SubmissionArtSmithJane” or “SubmissionPoetrySmithJohn”
2. If you are submitting in multiple genres, create a new cover sheet document for each genre.
3. Please save all submissions in a “.docx” format and note that titles are mandatory for each entry.
4. All written submissions should be in 12-point, Times New Roman font.
5. Only put your name in the saved title of the document, please do not put it on any of the submitted work.

POETRY: A student may submit no more than 6 poems for consideration. Poems can be longer than one page, but the next poem must start on a new page. There is no page limit for the 6 poems.
FICTION: A student may submit a maximum of 3 stories totaling no more than 25 pages.
MEMOIR/CREATIVE NON-FICTION: A student may submit a maximum of 2 works of creative nonfiction totaling no more than 20 pages. Research pages and news journalism will not be accepted.
ARTWORK: Students may submit art entries (painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, photography, etc.) as digital attachments to Please include a brief description of the work in your cover sheet (i.e. dimensions and medium).

We are eager to see your work!